Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bjorn 99% done!

So, Bjorn is now 99% done after working on him almost all day Friday. I need to design/finalize a banner for him and then that's it. I'm very excited. Now there's only 1700 more points of Wolves to build and paint... :)

From 40k Space Wolves

Friday, November 27, 2009

Misc Camera Workout

I have my camera out and I decided to take some pictures. Here's some stuff I've painted in the past few months.

Bjorn the Fellhanded is being awakened!

From the bowels of The Fang comes Bjorn the Fellhanded! I would say that he's 90% done right now. All the important stuff is done. He's been washed and highlighted and battled damaged. I'm going to give him one more wolfy icon on the left side of the main body and hand a couple of wolf tails from the middle part. I'm also going to give him a banner. I stole the pole from a Terminator Captain model and added a little wolfy icon to it. Here are some pics! BTW: The new camera is awesome.

From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

Saturday, November 21, 2009

More Units!

I got my new camera! Lots new pics now! Yay!

I have another Dreadnought built that I put a modified arm on. It's a Black Reach Dread that I made a plasma cannon arm out of the multi melta arm.
From 40k Space Wolves

I also found a great wolf mini to use for Thunderwolf Cavalry while my friends were opening Heroclix!
From 40k Space Wolves

I've started painting Bjorn. I think the color is working out well! Check it!
From 40k Space Wolves

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Next Up..

Now that I have my 2 HQs just about assembled, I think I will paint them first. I've got a big batch of Space Wolves armor color mixed up on my paint table. I'll paint Berek Thunderfist first and then Bjorn the Fell-Handed.

After I get them done, it'll be onto more Grey Hunters to build.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Wolves of Fenris muster...

I finished the Daemon commissions I was workin on and now its onto my next army.

I'll apologize in advance for the pics. I'm trying to get the lighting right.

I've started modelling the Space Wolves.

-Berek Thunderfist: I need the right head for him. Other than that, he's built. Here's his legs on the base that I built out of extra Daemon bits:
From 40k Space Wolves

-Bjorn the Fell-handed: I constructed his dreadnought claw out of sprue that I carved. I got the wolf dread arm as a cheap bit but I needed to build the claw. I'm working on an interesting base for him with some Daemon bits I had left over. He will be triumphantly standing on a defiler claw. Here are some in process pics:
From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves

-Wolf Guard: Almost all assembled. Here's one to check out:
From 40k Space Wolves

-Wolf Scouts: A pack of 5 is all assembled! Here they are:
From 40k Space Wolves

From 40k Space Wolves